The Most Important Responsibility of a Founder

Often times, a lot of founders are unable to determine what the most important responsibility of a founder could be.

Different people say different things such as: your most important responsibility should be your team or building a great operations.

Some say that your most important responsibility will be to make sales and ensure your product is scaling.

While some of these are important. None of these are more important than what we are about to share today.

The most important responsibility of a founder is to know their customers. The biggest failure of most companies starts from a product perspective when products fail to meet customers demand or need hence lacks product market fit.

As a founder, your most important responsibility is to understand that your business is for people. Hence you can’t serve people that you don’t know. Who are your customers? Where do they congregate? What is their purchasing power? What do they think?

When you understand these things as a founder and constantly remind and pay attention to them, every other infrastructure will grow.

Successful companies are primarily built for the customers not investors, not the team, not the founders, but customers.

Hence, when you assimilate this information, you will be able to build a Customer centric company. Customer centric companies don’t speak big technical jargon to their customers. Customer centric companies attend to the needs of their companies in the simplest forms that their customers can understand.

Customer centric companies have mastered the art of meeting their customers deeply at the point of their need thereby creating a strong connection.

As a founder, when you build a customer centric culture in your company, it creates a ripple effect across your systems of operation and ensures that each system is stationed to meet customers at the exact point of their need.

Hence, this is why we say today, that your most important responsibility as a founder is to know your customers completely.

The first success or failure in any company for a founder starts from Knowing your Customers.

Don’t guess about your customers or assume things about them. USE DATA!

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