Choosing The Right Investors

Today, we will discuss about a conversation that a lot of founders don’t pay attention to

This conversation will be on Choosing the right investors

A lot of founders have failed to understand how to choose the right investors. They end up choosing the wrong investors that they didn’t need and this leads to so many pains ahead.

Founders have to learn to choose their investors the same way investors choose them. Most Founders basically choose the cheque and what is available to collect and forget the most important things they should consider.

As a founder, money separate, it is wise that you choose an investor who understands the footsteps that you are walking.

Your journey as a founder needs more than cash. Someone may have cash to deploy but has never been an operator. Such person can not render useful advise in relationship with what you need.

Understand that each investor is more than a supplier of cash but a partner. They are supposed to partner with you to make the dream work more than just deploying capital.

This is why if you watch shows like ‘Shark Tank’, founders are mostly seeking for these sharks because of their ability to scale businesses to Millions dollars.

Can this investor increase your sales and distribution pipeline? Can this investor help you raise in your next round if need be? Can this investor help you source talents who won’t just come to take salary but build your organization?

This and many more are considerations founders must focus on when choosing the right investors.

Therefore consider your investor as your partner. They are on this long ride with you, ensure they are worth it and their value directly into the company is above deployed capital.

Stay intentional

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