Meet Angela Okantey, Techclout Africa’s Techstar of the Month (February 2024 Edition)

Welcome to the February edition of TechClout Africa’s TechStar of the Month, featuring the exceptional Angela Okantey, Let’s dive into the inspiring journey of this passionate and evolving product manager from the vibrant city of Accra, Ghana.

Let’s Meet You (Your Name, What You Do And Where You Are From
I’m Angela Okantey, a passionate and evolving product manager based in the vibrant city of Accra, Ghana. I am currently actively contributing to the success of the fintech industry through a prominent player in Ghana’s digital landscape that has a strong focus on mobile technology and developing user-friendly apps

How Long Have You Been in the Tech Space?
I have been in the tech space for about one and a half years.

What Inspired You To Go Into Tech?
What really got me into tech was seeing how it’s always changing and evolving. It’s like this unstoppable force that has the power to make some serious positive changes. I’ve always had this thing for innovation, like, finding new and creative ways to make a real impact. And in tech, the possibilities seem endless. The sheer amount of opportunities it offers is just mind-blowing. It’s not just a job; it’s a whole space of chances to do something meaningful and exciting. That’s what really hooked me into this field.

What Are The Challenges You Face As A Techie?
Being in the tech world comes with its fair share of challenges. It’s like riding this rollercoaster where things are always moving, and sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming. One of the things is keeping up with the constant changes, tech waits for no one!

Also, the pressure to innovate can be intense, but it’s what keeps things exciting too. And let’s not forget the occasional tech hiccups that can turn a smooth day into a puzzle-solving mission. But that’s the game. The challenges make the victories all the more satisfying. It’s a wild ride, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

What Was Your Highest And Lowest Point Since You Started This Journey?
My highest points were landing some big wins like the Binance Charity Scholarship and my current job, after putting in tons of hard work. It’s those moments when you see your passions and dreams come to life and actually make a difference, that’s the real high.

On the flip side, the lows hit when things don’t go as planned. There was this one project where everything that could go wrong did. It felt like a maze with no exit. But I learnt, adapted, and eventually, found a way out.

Every peak and valley has shaped this journey. The highs keep you fueled, and the lows, well, they’re like the bumps that make the ride memorable. It’s all part of the adventure in this tech world.

What Do You Aim To Achieve In The Next 12 Months In Relation To Your Tech Career?
Looking ahead in the next 12 months of my career, it’s all about reaching new heights. I’ve got my eyes set on diving into some cutting-edge projects, pushing the boundaries of innovation. I want to not just meet but exceed my goals. It’s about making a tangible impact and seeing the results of my hard work.

But, of course, it’s not just about the projects. I’m also looking to soak up more knowledge, maybe pick up some new skills along the way. And of course, connecting with more folks in the tech community is on the list too, you never know where those collaborations might lead. It’s about growth, both professionally and personally. Let’s see where the next 12 months take me on this thrilling ride.

What Are Your Short- And Long-Term Goals as a Techie?
In the short term, my primary focus is on achieving significant milestones within my current role. I’m diving deep into our ongoing projects, ensuring they not only meet but exceed expectations. Success, for me, is about delivering tangible results that positively impact the company’s objectives. Additionally, I aim to foster strong collaborations with colleagues, leveraging collective strengths to drive innovation and efficiency in our current projects. It’s about making a mark and establishing a track record of success in my current professional landscape.

Looking further down the road, I envision taking on more leadership roles, perhaps steering some major tech initiatives. Building a solid foundation of expertise and experience is crucial. Collaboration is key as well as fostering connections within the tech community and beyond. Ultimately, it’s about leaving a lasting imprint, contributing to the tech landscape in a way that goes beyond the immediate horizon. That’s the journey I’m gearing up for.

Which Individuals Do You Draw Inspiration From And Why?
In the product management space, Susan Wojcicki is a constant source of inspiration for me. I’m fascinated by her strategic leadership at YouTube, especially how she steers the platform’s direction and adapts to the ever-changing digital landscape.

Then there’s Marty Cagan, his insights into product development are like a treasure trove. The way he breaks down complex concepts into actionable strategies resonates with me. It’s like having a seasoned mentor guiding me through the intricacies of building successful products.

Then there is also Lenny Rachitsky, His practical wisdom is my go-to toolkit. His hands-on experience in scaling product and growth teams brings a real-world perspective that’s incredibly valuable.

These three individuals aren’t my only inspirations in the industry, there are a ton of my virtual mentors whom I love, and who are shaping my approach and fuelling my passion for product management every day.

How Do You Unwind?
One of my favorite ways to unwind is through outdoor activities. There’s something refreshing about nature that resets the mind.

Music is another go-to. Whether it’s getting lost in my favorite playlist or attending a live band show, it’s a fantastic escape. Reading also plays a big role; a good book provides a mental escape to different worlds.

And of course, spending quality time with friends and family is non-negotiable. Whether it’s a casual get-together or just meeting up to gist, those moments are priceless. Balancing the intensity of tech with these downtime activities is key to staying energized and ready for whatever the tech world throws my way.

What Advice Would You Give Your Emerging Techies Who Are On This Path?
For my emerging techies navigating this path, here’s what I would like to say. Embrace the journey and its challenges, they’re the building blocks of growth. Dive into projects with enthusiasm, but don’t be afraid to seek help or learn from setbacks.

Networking is gold. Connect with others in the tech community, attend events, and join discussions. The insights you gain and the relationships you build can open unexpected doors.

Never stop learning. The tech landscape evolves fast, and staying ahead means being a perpetual student. Explore new technologies, attend workshops, and absorb knowledge like a sponge.

Most importantly, find your balance. Yes, tech is exhilarating, but downtime is just as crucial. Unwind, recharge, and come back stronger. And remember, every challenge is a chance to shine. You’re on a remarkable journey, so enjoy the ride!

What Are Your Social Media Handles?
LinkedIn: Angela N. Y Okantey
Twitter: NaaAdjaney

Anything Else You’d Like Us To Know About You?
Absolutely! Beyond the tech hustle, I’m a firm believer in giving back. I’m involved in charity work and community initiatives (especially those focused on tech education). It’s fulfilling to share knowledge and contribute to creating opportunities for others.

On a personal note, I’m a bit of a travel enthusiast. Exploring new places and experiencing different cultures fuels my creativity. Whether it’s a bustling city or a serene natural spot, each journey adds a unique perspective to both my professional and personal life.

Ultimately, I’m on this tech adventure not just for personal success but to contribute positively to the broader community and find inspiration in the diverse experiences life has to offer. It’s the blend of professional passion and personal values that defines my journey.

Join us in celebrating Angela Okantey, TechClout Africa’s remarkable TechStar of the Month! Stay tuned for more inspiring journeys in the tech world.

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